Doc, you are the first correct answer. I will email you so you can send me your address. I will send along your prize. I had forgotten how stunning the bloom of the Black Locust could be until it was pointed out by the client in the picture. The blooming trees behind the lady casting are all Black Locust. I mistakenly identified them from a distance as one of the native cherries because one was blooming in my yard. Upon closer examination at the urging of my client I realized I had misidentified the tree. The lesson learned was one of observation, or more, taking the time to observe more closely was duly noted. Thanks Nancy!
Jay M. You were just a bit too late and Jay H. your fly tying skills are clearly superior to your botanical savey, nice try though.
Black Locust is a non-native tree to Wisconsin, originally from southern Appalachia. The tree is of medium height and helpful in holding soil on steep banks because of its root suckering spreading habit. Winter kill is a problem with this tree so it may not ever attain full size in the northern two-thirds of Wisconsin. The wood is hard and strong with a yellowish tint. Bows were made of this wood by the Virginia Indians who also my be responsible for the planting of this tree further to the east. Many of the corner posts for the first colonists homes were made of this rot resistant wood.
There you have it.
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