Just returned home from Tom Helgeson’s Greatwaters Fly Fishing Expo. This gathering of anglers, vendors and celebrities in the fly fishing world was a fine success in this first Expo since Tom’s passing. More on that later.
On Thursday the waters were clear, cold and running full. The situation changed a bit over the weekend. Anglers on the water yesterday reported waters had once again become dirty, with limited visibility. The weather today has become cold and windy, with a bit of snow blowing in now and then. I will try and get out a little later this morning and look at some water. Chances are that many of the streams will still be off color. Most of the snow is gone now but North facing slopes are stubborn to let theirs go.
A friend of mine sent me this picture of a goat that had escaped from jail and has eluded authorities and its owner for well over a year.They have not caught him yet and this is not the only one out there. The photo was on the trail cam of a local hunter. Be ware! There are goats lurking among us. The hunter figures that this big old boy may be about 2oolbs:)
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It’d scare me….
I have “herd” of these legendary Gray Goats roaming the woods at night. This one was most likley drawn to a cold Spotted Cow. 😉
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