My friends and I have tickets for the film festival on Friday.  Can you help me understand the event a little better?  I see the screening starts at 7:00 and the doors open at 5:00.  What happens during that two hours?  Are there food and drinks available or should we grab a bite before we get there?  Thanks for the help!


Hey John

Thanks for your interest in our screening of the If4. And introduce yourself to me on Friday, it is worth something free. We have planned a pretty big shindig as we have each year. There is live, silent and a ton of bucket raffle and give away items and auctions. The majority of items are from the outdoor industry and fly fishing world but there is also plane rides, trips to islands, cabin rentals, oil changes, an hour long hot rock massage and oh yes, $100.00 off a tattoo if you haven’t got one already:)
On Top of that there will be The Kinni Creek Boys bluegrass band roaming the venue and Bob White will be painting live. There will be fly tiers and conservation groups a photo booth and monkey riding a pygmy fainting goat. Just kidding about the Monkey and goat, but we talked about it.  I am proud to say we have donations from a ton of major manufactures (Simms, Sage, Echo, Rio, Fishpond, Buff, SA, Limit Creek, Orvis) and the art community has been outstanding in their support of the evening. You should see the stained glass Cutthroat and Brown trout, so cool and the hand made knives, nets, soaps, earrings and hand tied flies.
Yes there will be food and adult beverages. Also for next year, just so you know, you could be a sponsor for as little as $100.00, receive 2 tickets to the event, get free food and beer(Rush River Brewery)/wine with access to the VIP Room.
OK Parking may be a walk across campus if you get there much after 5:30, I am guessing. The lot next to the student center( called PAY 2 )where the event is, is free but it will probably fill up fast. The only other free lot (PAY 1 is across campus) I am including a map. As far as parking in any other lot, be extremely careful because campus police will be ticketing if you are not parked legally. The campus is beautiful if you don’t get there in time, enjoy the walk.
My suggestion is get there by 5 or shortly after.
Oh I almost forgot about the films. They are very good this year. The Kinnickinnic River Land Trust will receive all the proceeds and is our watchdog to help protect and beauty and health of the Kinnickinnic river.
I hope you don’t mind I will use your email question on my website and on social media to promote the event and get the correct information out there. Your name will be changed to protect the innocent:) Hope you have a great time and feedback is always welcome.
See ya at the party!!!