Happy In day! Hope you all have plans for fun, and the day is filled with explosive drama.
The streams continue to clear and are fishable the last couple days. As I am guiding the same sections of river, I am amazed how they have changed character in many cases. Islands have been formed and swept away, Lumber piles have created hazards and new holes, Once beautiful complexes of braids and pockets are now sand bars. The changes are alarming, and they are cool. Of course, not everything has changed and some of the old familiar trout hotels are the same or even better. As the flows settle down it will be interesting to see what changes will have created good holding water and what will become marginal . Change is, pass the Beer Nuts. I can’t wait to see it all!
“Catching” has not exactly been hot and heavy but fish are cooperating. It nice to begin to see the stream bed once again. The water is staying nice and cool and I can’t remember the last time when flows were high, consistent and cool in July. I hope this bodes well for the rest of the summer. For the short term, make sure you have a good supply of split shot along. Flows are heavy and you won’t get to the bottom without it. I have not seen a rising fish for weeks. Maybe today, I hope.
Go get um now. Rain is forecasted for Sat and Sun. Who would have thought!
8 users commented in " Exciting News- Rain On The Way! "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackLET IT BE KNOWN! Saw two risers on the Trimbelle today, caught both on a size 18 flying ant imitation. I would post a picture but I don’t know how. Good luck! Happy fourth.
North Bear in Iowa was clear yesterday . All of SE Mn was a chocolate shake. Drove 200 miles from Rochester looking for place to fish. Maybe September
Western Wis. is good right now. Get it while you can. Thanks for the update
I was out on southeast MN on July 1, 5, and 7. It’s far from a chocolate shake. http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/areas/fisheries/lanesboro/stream_conditions.html
Rush yesterday was almost gin clear. Lightening drove me off, where I then drove to the grandpa stretch on the upper K, which was chocolate milk
4″ of rain near Baldwin, Wi They are all blown up again.
Thanks for the link D.A.
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