The last week has been sunny, warm, cold, rainy, too hot, and a host of in-between. April, my favorite month to fish and guide is almost over and has just been a hair better than last year in terms of fishing days. Considering in less than two months we will start loosing daylight again,,,,,, sorry, I wont go there.
It rained all day today. There is over an inch of rain in my gage. In spite of that, the rivers seem to be holding and should(I said should be fishable for tomorrow. Saturday looks like it will be OK and no one seems to be sure about Sundays weather. The season closes after you get to fish on Sunday. It sounds like there will be a stretch of crummy weather after that and I don’t care cause I plan to do indoor projects.
Yesterday was cold and cloudy all day. The rivers were spooky clear for this time of year and fish came in spurts. The BWO’s waited until it started to rain, of course and it was a nice hatch for the 3rd or 4th day in a row. Catching during the hatch proved to be difficult during the hatch. Standard dries and comparaduns were shunned and it was only after we floated an emerger in the film behind an indicator fly did we have some success. If the emerger was not mired in the surface film they would not eat it where we were. It was a fun puzzle to kind of solve. Every fish had a fat hard belly. They have been eating very well and it made sense since they have not been in that April, “eat with reckless abandon” mood for, well, all of April. At least, as I remember Aprils past. I am OLD.
My client caught some beautiful fish though, and a nice tip a was a welcome result. All my clients this week did well(blowing their horn and patting myself on the back), but they worked hard for them and we covered a lot of ground to find cooperative fish.
All Good. Get out if you can, it will be a while before we can fish again.
10 users commented in " Thunder Thursday "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackTotally different conditions than last Saturday (clouds and rain vs. yestedays sun), but the BWOs were out in force, same time and place on the Kinni – great fun!
Andy, I have a question. I’ve seen plenty of hatch charts for the Kinni, but is there any way to predict when the particular bug might hatch, or are there too many factors – light, temperature, wind, etc. The last two Saturdays, the BWOs have starting coming off at noon and lasted to around 2:30 pm, despite the weather being completely different.
It is a good question. Yes, there are complicating factors to making predictions on hatch times, no doubt. The BWO’s on the Kinni this year cycled as long as I have ever seen them in 20 years. And yes, they persevered in both sun, overcast and cold rain. It was an odd and pleasant experience this year. Make note for future predictions:} I think it is a good subject and will be the topic of the next post. I have to gather my thoughts on this one.
Thanks Greg
Anybody know how the Kinni and or the Rush is doing after these rains? Hoping to get out on Monday or Tuesday. Thinking that should be in good shape then (assuming the rain did some damage).
Right now both are running high but not crazy. Monday may be just fine. I will try and keep you updated.
Thanks Andy. I so want to catch the grey caddis hatch.
Gonna be hot’n muggy by Monday-timeframe. ;-)) Wonderful time to get out.
Winter must be right around the corner:}
I hope we both find it. I think the cold weather may have pushed it back. Look for it in the afternoon on sunny days, in the near future. They are just beginning to see them in the southeast of Minnesota and that means ours should be right around the corner.
Got out on Monday on the Rush but did not see any caddis until I was just about back at my car around 5 (fishing gods were against me). It was a slower day but managed to eek out 6 fish. But it was still great to be out.
It is one of my favorite times on the river. It is all coming alive, except of course for the flying bugs that taste good to the trout. We have hunted onesie, twosie the last couple of days just for casting practice.
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