DSC00049Judging from the number of cars in the Kinni Parking lot yesterday and the reports of anglers on the Rush some anglers found a little stream time before the blow out. Spiking at over 900 CFS last night the Kinni hit record flow marks. The rain today will probably push it back up. I will see if I can get out and take a few photos today


Yesterday a friend from the east(Tennessee) got caught in the cross hairs that is the air transport game coming back from China(far east). He was caught at LAX airport when US Customs computers and their back up system went down. He said Lines look like Disneyland.  After missing his connecting flight on the 4 hour long line, His only option was Minneapolis and a long wait. One call was all it took to rescued him from the dilemma. A short time later he was on the Kinni with a fly rod in his hand and a fish on the line. As his head spun from travel, lack of sleep, jet lag, time change and anger management I heard him mumble something about surreal.  If he did not get home last night, I wish him well today. Safe travels Doug.
