I have been in Milwaukee for the last week while the trout season was closed. It was 85 and sunny there. 12″ of snow fell in Prescott, 14″ in Ellsworth. What?
Hope you all stayed home and no one got busted fishing out of season. Tell us a story if you were out.
Last night at 7 pm on my drive home I stopped and scoped out the Rush. The waters looked perfect. Clear and full. Expect to find trees down in your favorite holes. The snow snapped branches and trunks like tooth picks, everywhere. I almost ran the car into a downed power line on Lost Creek Road. Watch out for that one if you are going out in the next few days.
The Kinni is flowing 200cfs and rising. Likely it could near the tipping point of unfishable in the next day or two if we get warm and rain. I will try and look at it today.
Bottom line. The Trout Harvest Season has begun. There is a ton of wet slushy snow on the ground. Some of it will soak in. Some of it will run off. There is no telling right now, how it will effect the rivers clarity and flows.
Here is a photo of Jeff, Mort and I up in the Keebler tree on the Lower Kinni. Yes, that is a baby bottle of beer in my hand. It was Jeff’s baby shower celebration. His life will change shortly. It was a good day. It was invigorating to know that I can still climb a tree with one hand! Not sure if my wader manufacturer suggests its products be used for climbing though. I will re-read the manual.
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