The rivers are all back to being in great shape. Slight stain and a little extra water to boot. Nymphing with the regulars(hares ears, p. tails and soft hackles of a number of earth tone colors have the ability to take fish if presented correctly. Numerous caddis and mayfly species are on the water in the period before dusk. Some days for 3 hours some days for only an hour. Best bet is light colored bodied bugs. Tan, pale yellow, light green and don’t forget about the Blue wing olives.
I was sent this information this afternoon about the bridge.
Construction Update:
– Construction operations have commenced Tues. May 30, 2012
– Road was closed on Tues. May 30, 2012. Local residents will have access to their homes within the project limits at all times with a few interruptions of short duration to allow driveway entrance work.
– Intersection of CTH F and CTH FF will remain open to the south and east only until construction operations begin in that area. No access to the north will be allowed. 820th St. will remain open and CTH F to the north of 820th St.
– Pierce County Highway Department set up Detour signage. See Attached Map
– Bridge removal began Wed. May 30, 2012 with the north deck span and north abutment.
– The center span was sawed today in 6’ longitudinal sections.
– The south deck span and south abutment will be removed today/tomorrow.
– Danger Buoys are to be installed Fri. June 1, 2012
* Lunda plans to drop the center span beginning early Mon. morning June 4, 2012 and finishing Tues. June 5, 2012.
We would like to limit and, if possible, eliminate any water recreation activities traveling through the bridge site for the duration of the two days. This is for the safety of the public as large sections of the deck will be dropped into the river and then picked up with overhead cranes. The Contractor will be providing an upstream spotter for those who ignore the Danger Buoys and proceed past. Once the center span is removed, the recreationists will be allowed to proceed through the site for the duration of the project. Recreationists are to use caution when passing through the structure and overhead construction activities must cease when recreationists do proceed through bridge site during work hours.
Safety and Protection of the Kinnickinnic River are the main concerns of all parties involved.
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