Just thought I would give you all an early reminder about a construction project that has been waiting in the wings since 2006. Access to the bridge, the State Park parking lot and Co Trunk F in the section that approaches and spans the Kinnickinnic river will be closed for most of the 2012 trout fishing season. This will remove a major recreational access point from the Kinni for this year. I sent an email to Chad Johnson who is the commissioner of the Pierce County Highway Department and I received a quick response. I will post a link to the construction project page when it has been updated. Here is what he had to say;
The CTH F Clifton Hollow Bridge replacement project is scheduled to be let in April 2012. It usually takes about one month for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to execute a contract with the successful bidder. I would anticipate construction to start in late May 2012. The road will be closed during construction, including the CTH FF intersection. Construction limits for road reconstruction start north of 770th Avenue, and end north of 820th Avenue. Minimal grading is required at the ends of the project, so I anticipate minor disruptions to traffic accessing 820th Avenue. The State Park parking lot on CTH F will be closed during construction, predominantly for safety reasons. Prior to completion of the project, the lot will be resurfaced, and a new driveway into the lot constructed. The river will remain open during construction, with signage placed in the water alerting users of construction activity, and advanced signing placed in River Falls notifying users that road access at CTH F is closed. When completed, the roadway will have truck climbing lanes on both north and south hills, have improved alignment, a retaining wall on the north side of the bridge north of the parking lot, and most importantly a new bridge. The project will be completed in late October or early November, 2012. Please let me know if you have other specific questions that I can answer to assist you with your article. Chad Johnson
9 users commented in " Kinnickinnic River Bridge – Co. Rd. F – Closed for Replacement "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackIt’s going to be a long walk for us without private access to fish some good water.
I think that section of water may see a bit less pressure this year. I wonder what it will do to the canoe and kayak traffic on the lower. I would imagine it will send more boat traffic to the upper.
Boat traffic on the upper? Yes, I plan to walk for at least an hour from Glen Park to get that special water. Thanks for letting us know by the way. Four more weeks!
I will walk…might be the best fishing this year….shhh. 😉
Yes there are a few nice sections of river to kayak on the upper river.
What impact will this have on the water downstream from the bridge? Are they removing the pilings along the bank? I am more worried about our water than the tread on my boots.
It is a good question. There are way too many eyes on this smallish project for them to not do their best to go by the book. The fact that the Kinni flows into National Senic River-way in the St. Croix, it is a clas one trout stream and that it is on State Park land all will help. I will continue to try and give you the best updates as we get closer.
My cabin in the lower canyon is available for rent throughout the construction project, and has direct access to the river just upstream from the bridge. No walk, and a monopoly on fishing the canyon!
A good call Jess!
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