Thanks for being patient, I know I have not been keeping you up to date lately and this report will be short. Last Tuesday’s storm put the streams off for a few days. Some waters in the area are holding onto a bit of color yet are fully fishable. Today the lower Kinni fished better in the mid afternoon rather than the morning, which I thought was a but odd since it was a nice cool morning. We saw very few tricos in the air and no fish on them. Trout were sipping extremely small black flying ants in the slowdown current closest to the bank. Very Spooky! #18, #20 soft hackle hares ears, larva boy and Bloody princes took fish. I changed patterns 15 times before I found the consistency I wanted at “catching” with the S.H. hares ears. The fish seemed to be in the secondary rif’s and runs and in skinny water. The primary runs and holes fished poorly today for some reason. Fish were almost all cookie cutters in size; no big one, no small one. Crazy!
4 users commented in " A Shorty Report "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackI second the odd day of fishing yesterday for the Upper as well. I couldn’t understand it and thought it was me, maybe it still was, but my ego is slightly restored after reading your post. Thanks.
The Rush fished normal on Monday. Fish holding where you would expect. I fished it in the evening and nymphing was good. Good dry fly fishing twards dark. 18 parachute Adams worked quite well.
Fished the Rush on Saturday the 27th early AM to about 1 o’clock. Water was gin clear and no wind – perfect temp. Tied on about 30 different bugs, from hoppers to tricos. Took two with trico spinners, and wish I could tell you exactly what the others were, small creamy colored – wings up (that’s what was coming off the water) and some larger flies that were more grayish and a bit larger. Didn’t have much like that in the box. A small parachute adams (16 – 18) took one – but what worked for a bit here, didn’t work there. Think they were taking emergers – but I don’t have many of those in my bag of tricks.
I know the feeling. Today ther were a bunch of yellow and gray crane flies out there in the morning as well. Also DUST MIDGES SIZE 42
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