I thought last night’s crushing rain may mess up today’s outing, but the river held. Despite holding the extra water for this time of year (the Kinni was running 187 CFS at 5 AM this morning) the clarity was reasonable and the overcast skies helped hold off the day’s heat until mid afternoon. The fishing was good for a mid July day, and the color in the water enabled us to get a bit closer to the fish. Morning, during the higher flows, had trout located in the slow-downs and tail-outs until the flows let up a bit. By late morning they had moved back to the faster water lies. The bluebird skies and heat had slowed the action considerably by 3PM. Look for the mornings to be productive when it is overcast. The Trico watch has also begun. Almost no bugs in the air or on the water this morning. Sub-surface fishing prevailed.
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