Almost 3/4 an inch of rain fell from the skies once again last night. The Kinni water flows spiked and then came down just as fast. The area to the East received more rain but from the report this morning the upper end of the Rush has just a off color and fishable. I do not know what the water clarity looks like lower on the Rush river. It is likely fishable. The waters will continue to clear as the day goes on and cloud cover in the late afternoon may make for good fishing. There is the chance for another thunder storm sometime today. Every angler defines water clarity differently. Some like off color water because of the cover it gives them from the fish. Others will not fish if the water is anything but clear. When I have a chance to fish, I go. Unless the clarity is chocolate milk. From the reports I have it sounds like if you have a chance to go,,,,,,,,go. You may have to work a bit harder observing, and changing patterns and techniques, but the time on the water on a beautiful day is worth it. Give me a report if you go today.
3 users commented in " Rain Again-Waters Stained But Likely Fishable "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a Trackbackfished the Kinni last night and did well on sulfurs at dark. The water was a little warm, but certainly clear enough.
I hit the lower kinni(below the dam) early yesterday morning. It was running a bit off color but still very fishable. I really wish I had headed the advise to have some crane fly imitations though…I threw every damn dry fly I had and because they we so keyed into the cranes and I had nothing close I could not catch one! That is until I switched to the old faithful #18 bead head PT. Unfortunately the Kayak hatch was off the charts so I headed to the upper Kinni and found some quiet…What a Gorgeous morning it was!
On May 21st I fished the riffle in the photo above lot’s of E.excrusions showed themselves at 2 PM.
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