mohairheaderThe Story of Mohair

Angora goats evolved on the Anatalian Plains of Turkey near the city we now know as Ankara and from which the name “Angora” derives. The term “mohair” apparently derives from Arabic (mukhayyar). Angora goats were highly regarded and jealously protected from exportation until the sixteenth century when the Angora goat was introduced into Spain and France. However, the goats were not introduced to the United States until 1849.

These goats can be finely-built and fairly small, the does weighing 65-125 pounds and the bucks 125-200. Both male and female have horns. The horns on bucks can be quite large and impressive, curving up and away from the head and face. The does have nearly straight horns that curve back slightly. Both sexes use their horns to advantage when necessary, so always be cautious when handling them. A friendly goat can hurt you without meaning to.

Mohair is only produced by Angora goats. Mohair is considered a luxury fiber and should not be confused with Angora fiber which come from Angora rabbits.

The average angora-goat fleece will grow continuously at approximately 2 to 2.5 cm per month. Most market requirements have a mohair requirement of up to 15 cm in length so shearing twice a lock_galleryyear is normal.

Luster: The luster of mohair is one of the most important characteristics. Luster is the natural sheen of the fiber caused by light being reflected more directly by the larger outer scales of the fiber. This luster or sheen helps dyed mohair resist fading caused by time and the elements and makes it very hard wearing.

Durability: Mohair can be twisted or bent without damaging the fiber. This is due to its structure, supporting the claim that it is the most durable of all animal fibers.

Elasticity: Mohair will stretch an average 30% over its length and then will be able to spring back into shape.
Tensile Strength: Mohair possesses great strength. Diameter to diameter, it is stronger than steel.

“Mohair has strength and durability unmatched by wool, and as a dyer and fiber artist, the beauty of the dyed yarn is second only to silk,” says yarn designer Sherry Brooks.

Essentially non-flammable, mohair is also a popular choice for upholstery fabrics.

Can you milk angoras?

No! Angoras are the most efficient fiber producing animals on earth, producing up to 25% of their own body weight in fiber annually. They raise wonderful kids, beautiful fiber, but sorry, not enough extra milk for you too. If you are looking for a goat to provide milk, choose one of the many dairy breeds.

Goat Boy Dubbing-Angora Goat (mohair)

The luster, durability and fiber length of angora goat makes it an incredible nymph dubbing. Its light reflecting characteristics are unmatched by any natural fiber currently on the market. Its strength has been compared to steel and its beauty to silk. The twisting nature of these fibers will bring any fly pattern to life. Goat Boy Dubbing, developed at Gray Goat Fly Fishing is sheared twice a year directly from our goats. The fleece is then cleaned, carded and blended to create this incredible fly tying dubbing. Goat Boy Dubbing comes in two natural and 5 dyed colors.

Natural White

Natural Gray

Dyed colors: Silver Shadow, Blue Dun, Pale Black, Sassafras(orange) and Old Yeller. (dyed colors available in limited quantities). $2.00/pack

Raw fleece also available on request.

(references and photos: and and others)