First, the conditions in Pierce Co. continue to get tougher on trout and anglers. Here is a link to a great weather site, just scroll over the info you want to look at. Make sure you check out the drought monitor for the US. Water has become lower and clearer and the trout are getting tougher to approach without spooking in many cases. In some instances they will let you fish over them. Not sure why. Long leaders and 6X tippet has helped. The broken water and deep drops that give anglers cover from being sighted by the trout continue to disappear. I measured water temps in two spots on the lower Kinni and they were 65 and 68 degrees. This is warm water for May……too warm. Play fish quickly and get them back in the water. Dry dropper is a good solution. The PMD’s have been out but spotty. The evening is tending to be better than the morning unless your on the water at 5:30 AM. Here are a few pictures of the mayflies from yesterday. These guys are 3/4″ long.
1 user commented in " Report and Stuff "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackWe need rain! Normally one could say that if you don’t like the weather in Minnesota or Wisconsin wait a few minutes, but that saying is slowly losing truth.
I am having a hard time remembering when I have seen my lawn dry up in May. Usually.. I am mowing twice a week! If this pattern continues July may be the next great Dust Bowl. 🙂
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