How about telling us the recipe for the fabled kinni nymph or where we could get some more? I think I used up my last one.
The Kinni Nymph is a favorite of mine and can be used effectively anywhere in the world where mayfly nymphs are present. The key to this pattern I believe is its color. Black has long been known to show up well against any background. That means whether the water is dirty or clear the fish should be able to see it clearly. As I understand it also, mayfly nymphs turn black just before they emerge as adults no matter what color they were prior to the emergence process. This gives the angler a pattern the fish should be familiar with and satisfies the criteria of size, color and shape. The Kinni Nymph has gone through many variations over the years, but I have settled on this pattern as my standard. Basically you are looking at a Pheasant Tail nymph tied with dyed Black Pheasant tail feathers. The flash back is a nice addition which I believe imitates the gas that is produced when these nymphs go through their instar transitions and when they emerge. I have a few dozen of these flies left in #16 and #18 for purchase. This will also one of the custom flies I will have on my upcoming products page for your convenience. The price is $2.00US each on these remaining flies. I have not been given the cost on the new batch yet so get them while they are hot.
Andy’s Kinni Nymph
Hook: 1x or 2x long nymph hook size14-20
Bead: Gold or Copper to match hook size
Tail: Black Pheasant tail barbs (center tail best)
Rib: Gold or Copper wire (small or Brassie)
Flashback: Pearl Mylar or Mirage Flashabou
Body: Black P.tail barbs
Wing case: Black P.tail barbs
Thorax: Peacock herl
Legs: bend back P.tail barbs of wing case
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