I am pleased to announce that Wayne Bartz: Author, Photographer and Fly fisherman extraordinaire will be a regular contributor to the reports section for Southeast Minnesota(I told you to be patient)on the Gray Goat. We wish Wayne many days on the water and the trout of his dreams. Look for Waynes Photography to appear on the products cart in the near future.
5 users commented in " Thanks Wayne "
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I was on the little cannon river today
I couldnt keep the creek chubs of my hook
they would hit everyting.
I had one spot were I had a take but missed,
when I came back I tried again and I caught a creek chub that the trout tried to eat .the water was down and mixed color .
Welcome Wayne! As a regular to the SE streams I am very much looking forward to your reports!
I would like to take a survey.
what stream in southeastern Minneota would
you rate as the number one stream, and why?
wayne, were you down at the Hay creek work? I think we met.
Sorry Josh, I wasn’t at the Hay Creek work, but I hope to get up there sometime this year to see the work.
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