Problems with the web site! Very Frustrating! I won’t go into details but I could not get my reports through. I thank you for your patients. The sun has commeth and the bugs are hatching! The best thing about that is the fish are aggressively feeding on them. A wide variety of insect life has decided to emerge at the same time. The best action has been after the sun has warmed the water. Caddis in dk.grey and tan in sizes 16 and 14, Bwo’s in 18 and 20 are still present, and both Golden Stones and Crane flies have been spotted in the mid afternoon so you will have a multifaceted puzzle to solve. Really, most anglers have had great success in the last week catching fish on the surface with a variety of different patterns. 6.15 Lbs. was the contest winner on opening day, she was a beautiful female. Mend with your slack line to ensure your longest dead drift.
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