Well,,,,, thank you for all the hopeful, inquisitive communications.
To those of you who thought I had died off,,, not so fast.
To those living vicariously through my words,,,,I ran short of them after May 15th,,,,, apparently.
For that one brilliant man thinking of sending the rescue team. The pony kegs would have hit the spot.
To the guy who was supposed to paint my house this summer, please make arrangements to get it done or I will be pissed.
This has been the busiest year of my life. The restful creative time I spent banging out reports and telling tales via this magic box was just not available. It left the building. I am told it is gone for good. The Goats Guide and Ball business ran strong this spring and summer, with happy clients fishafied and Bentley’s Balls sent to numerous shops and individuals across the country. There was just no extra time to write about it. Sorry, I can’t make this up. Every time I sat down to write, it was bed-time. My eyes would begin to close and then it would be sleep-time. I would wake and it would be work-time. The cycle would repeat over and over again. My boss at my other job has instituted mandatory over-time for the month of August. Funny thing is he is going to Alaska to fish until September. Crazy how our time can be dictated. I realize we all go through this phase. It is just a phase, right?? A lack of time phase, right??
Some great fish have been caught this summer. Also a shipload of wienerdogs have been wrangled out of our local waters. These 6-9 inchers are hungry little buggers. It is a good sign for years to come. If the rain does not blow us up hard, we should have some dandy trout next year. A bunch of trips were scrapped this summer due to high flows and heavy rains. It has not seemed to have affected the wienerdog population. The jungles forests are super lush right now. Clients from Colorado could not believe the rainforest type atmosphere. Stinging nettle fields and wild parsnip is head high. Many anglers are staying close to the water and not getting off the beaten trail to those secret spots. I don’t blame them. However, if you don’t mind the burn, many of the spots that were easy access in spring have not seen an angler in more than a month. Just sayin, be carful. DNR is shocking(fish surveying) Wienerdogs and Walters out of your favorite streams right now. They will tell us how our population is faring when they get their results tabulated this winter. TU’s Keep up the good work! Find and sign a petition to Free The Kinni of its Damn Dam’s, they are now out there. Tricos have begun and those hatches will only build. I have seen them on all of our rivers this year. If you can get your but out of bed in time you would see them too. Nymphing is getting tougher because of the weed growth in the rivers. Make sure those bugs are clean on every cast or you are just going through the motions. Kayak traffic on the Kinni is at peak. Go early or go late, or don’t go at all and leave all of those great wild trout for me and my clients.
2 users commented in " Time Crunch and Report "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackWelcome back. Why is your client eating his rod in the first picture?
I had not provided him the proper nutrition. There was also a flurry of activity to get the picture and get the fish back in the water. I assure you this gentleman is no grandstander and the rod just ended up in his mouth after he sensed the anxiety in my voice about photos and releases. The rod just ended up there because it was the quickest way to get the photo.
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