On Friday it begins. A journey to understand, realize and relate. This event is open to all interested parties.
The effort on the Jackson Preserve will not involve stream restoration work, although ultimately our accomplishments will benefit the Kinnickinnic River, its wild trout and those who choose to invest their time and effort. The effort is to allow what once was in nature, to flourish harmoniously again.
When: Friday, September 26, 12 noon to the end — Be there at noon if you can. We will have a short discussion in regard to the afternoons plan(noon to 3pm). This will be followed by an awesome and enlightening walk through by Scott Zager, a plant ecologist from Wildlands Ecological Services. Scott has done the plant mapping for the preserve and in short order will enable you to see the big picture vision for this unique site. After this we will engage in the dirty work. A bit of rutting, pulling clipping, cutting, piling, lopping, laughing, tripping, clearing,,,,,, you get the picture. Then we fish, lie, catch, dream, consume adult and kid beverages, muse about the future. Simple as that. Oh, thanks to Rush River Brewing for donating 2 cases of beer for the event.
Where: The Jackson Preserve on the Lower Kinni—-The Jackson is located on County RD. FF which is the east-west road that parallels the lower Kinni on the South side. It is 3.4 miles west from the juncture with HWY 29 exiting the South side of River Falls. From the Twin Cities- Interstate 94 east; exit at Carmichael road/Co rd F and head south. Cross the lower Kinni and take your first left on Co. Rd. FF. Drive for about 2 miles. The preserve is marked by a kiosk, some limestone boulders and a red gate between two corn fields. The kiosk location is on the North side of Co. Rd. FF. This is way too many words for directions, it is easy to find.
What To Bring: Work gloves, loppers, sun glasses, fishing stuff, beverages, brute force, long sleeve shirt, hat,
-Really, our main effort for the time period will be to learn about the big picture for the preserve.
-Clear the overgrown lower trail approximately 6ft on either side, mostly prickly ash, honeysuckle and possibly a few Buckthorn.
– Stage the cuttings in one or two spots.
Lost and confused somewhere in every one of us lies our tie to the natural world. Being involved will add meaning to your life and vibrance to your community.
Look for more events at the Jackson in the future. Next will be a snow shoe, bonfire event.
2 users commented in " Jackson Preserve Details and One Fish Yesterday "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackWell that was fun. Lots more work to do.
Thanks Sarah
I will get a recap up shortly.
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