I was going to tell you that conditions are improving because they are, I think. Around 11am it began to rain here, again. It was a nice, strong, healthy rain of short duration. Not sure of the amount yet but as of 5 pm, the flows on the Kinni began to rise again.
This morning I received an email telling me that the Rush was fishable and Lost Creek was clear. I believe this to be true but that email was before the rain today. As of 5 pm it was still raining on the upper Rush watershed. Take from that what you will.
The next week will be quite busy for me with a variety of fishing and non-fishing related activities. I will do my best to keep you updated.
My lack of blogging in recent history is a reminder that nothing has really changed as far as stream conditions. You can certainly involve yourself in fishing activities on our local streams, and fish can be caught, just be careful. Your eyes can’t see bottom, so your feet won’t know what you just tripped over until its too late. Thats probably where the real adventure starts.
2 users commented in " Conditions! "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a Trackbackwhat blew me away when I snapped that pic at the F bridge was the amount of kayakers coming off, and more especially the group of two families with small kids in canoes. overhearing how they’d never been on that piece of water before, and lots of coolers with empty beer cans. those kids are lucky to have made it through. idiot parents.
Thanks for the photo, I couldn’t bare to take another one at the time. The lower river is becoming more popular for this activity, there is no doubt. In this rise of traffic there has been the good, the bad and the ugly.
Thanks man
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