I know I have been MIA for a bit from the blog. It has been a busy, bitter winter and I am ready for the cold to break. Hell, I though we were done with it. Such is life. Â As I look at the rivers in Western Wisconsin, they appear to be in great shape. Yes, the snow is piled high and todays snow will only add to the difficulty in moving around stream side on March 1st. I am excited at the prospects of snow shoeing in deep into the little valley that I love and finding a few friends swimming deep in her pools. Odds are we are all hungry for some activity. But first………….
Tom Helgeson’s Greatwaters Fly Fishing Expo is this weekend. I will be there in the Gray Goat booth looking forward to seeing old friends and making new. There will be a host of characters from the Goat Herd helping me out again this year including the much anticipated return of Gordon Bentley to the Booth. Gordo is looking forward to it. Bill Sherck from Due North Outdoors and Minnesota Bound will be in the booth on Friday afternoon. I will be doing seminars on Friday and Saturday and on Sunday will be on the writers panel discussion. I also may be lured into the Master Fly contest taking place throughout the show. Check out the schedule of events and make an appearance yourself, it will be the best signal to your brain that spring is right around the corner.
I have also been tying like a mad man and will be showing off some new prototype tying accessories that I think you will like. My new flies “The Missing Link” collection will be there, but in short supply. At a recent show in Madison they were “the buzz” and I sold out almost all of the flies I tied this winter. I have struggled to replenish my stock but I fear that there will not be enough to go around. I will be taking orders.
See ya there!
4 users commented in " Listen, Laugh, Learn "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackThat “signal to my brain that spring is coming” is now covered in snow and ice. 🙂 Oh how I long for the days of green grass and warm sunshine. 🙂
Andy, I just wanted to say, I really liked your presentation on “Confessions of a guide” It was so different from most peoples attempts at something similar…it was honest, funny and down to earth. Glad to call you a friend, take care and see you out there this spring!
Thanks. It was good to see people with a passion for fly fishing all in one room again. This year we meet on the stream my friend.
The end is near, either for me or winter. My resolve says I will win the battle. Hang in there brother!
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