It is time once again for the goat to clear out some goodies.
This is a first come first serve posting. The gear on this post will go to the angler who emails me first. I will mark it as sold and contact you if you are the first. My thoughts are to get this stuff into your hands at the upcoming Greatwaters Fly Fishing Expo. We can make other arrangements if you are not able to be there this weekend. If I have to ship items, you will pay exactly what it costs me to ship it. All sales are cash only. I take good care of my equipment, you will see that when you inspect it. If it is not what you expected it to be, you don’t have to buy it.
Orvis Trident TL 9′ 8 weight 2 piece Tip Flex 10.0 with tube and sock
This rod was the top of the line for Orvis in its day. It is one of the fastest action rods Orvis has made. It would work well for bass pike, musky, salmon or steelhead. It retailed in the $400.00 dollar range I believe and it is brand new. It may have cast a line once. Yours for $150.00
Scott E2 803-4 piece Sock but no tube SOLD
This rod was given to me by the Scott rep to demo. I ended up purchasing it. It turned out I did not fish it much. Its been in the closet for too long and must go. The rod is in great shape with the plastic still on the handle, not sure what thats all about. A bit of water stain under the plastic that will easily clean up. This rod is a great dry fly caster with enough extra length to nymph with at 8 ft. Again a high end rod for Scott at the time, around $400.00 retail. Yours for $150.00
Albright EXS 1004-4 piece with sock and tube 10 foot 4 weight
This is a cool rod. When it came out it was in the $600.00 range. The 10 foot 7 weight that I am keeping is one of my favorite steelhead rods. I used this 4 weight rod on the Big Horn River in Montana and in Pierce County on the Rush and Kinni. The 4 weight is a great, long, high sticking and mending rod. The finish on them is awesome. I notice that the company went through some changes and the owner that I got the rods from is no longer with the company. I see they are fire sale-ing the rods now for $179.00 Here is the link for a description Yours for $100.00 this one is a steal.
Wright and McGill 8′ 6′ 3 weight 4 piece with sock and tube SOLD
This was a favorite back up rod with clients. It is a medium action fly rod that is perfect for both dry and nymph fishing. The guide wraps are showing a little UV wear from the sun and one small ding on the wood spacer otherwise it is clean. This is a spigot ferrule rod and the makers have paid attention to detail. I think I got it for almost nothing so the same will be true for you. Yours for $75.00
Cloudveil Guide Waders size medium Sold
These waders were given to me as a gift. Top of the line. They were too small. I am a large. They have been sitting on a shelf and been shuffled around a hundred times. Time for them to go. Originally $425.00 Yours $125.00
I also have some collector rods that have not been valued yet. I have to do some research or you can do it for me if you are interested in these rods.
Sage 389LL-2 piece with tube and sock graphite III Excellent condition approximate $500.00????
John Parker Bamboo 7 ft 3″ 2 piece 2 tip with tube and sock. Excellent condition approximate $700.00
Thomas & Thomas 8 ft 4 weight “Special Dry Fly”2 piece with Tube and sock ???????
There may be more…
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