This is what the main rivers East of River Falls looked like yesterday afternoon. The Kinni looked the same. I will do some checking this evening. Some of the small creeks may be good today. I received word back from the USGS water flow people. They feel that the gauging station on the Kinni may have been hit by lightning and they are out of contact with it. Here is a video from yesterday.
3 users commented in " Yesterday Afternoon 06-27-10 "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackWow, is all I can say. I checked out some upper springs in Vernon county and even they have browness to them, which means the water table is super saturated. I heard on the radio this morning that Wisconsin had its tenth wettest June on record, with over 9 inches of precip, just imagine how much snow that would be! The year 1890 holds the record in june, at over 11 inches of precip in that month.
I was at the lower kinni right below the damn sunday at about noon and I caught one 10 inch brownie on an olive copper john. One other thing I must say is that a lot of the fly fisherman I saw there usually are lowering there fish catches because they stand usually where they should be fishing. The trout don’t want to sit in the raging currents anymore than you do so if you are standing in at least shin deep water you are most likely standing where the fish were sitting.
Thanks for the interesting stats Brian. Sure a change from last year when we were in drought.
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