Nice Brown
The fishing this week has been reasonably good. The water temps are remaining cool and Tricos are still coming off in the morning on some of the area’s rivers. Fish are responding to Buggers and Slump Busters, Lightning Bugs and Bloody Princes. The Kinni nymph has also worked well. The chubs are going crazy with an all time personal best of 11 inches last week. Is any one else catching boat loads of chubs right now?

Chubby in Hand
Looks like more great fall temps to come along with some cloud cover. Look for fish to start getting more feisty as we move through the month. It appears the Browns are beginning to color up nicely.
Remember: The inland trout season in most places in Wisconsin closes on September 30th.
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If I recall, there are some places that remain open under special regs. The Wolf River or the Fox River? Someone help me out I don’t have a regs book handy, and of course certain stretches of certain rivers for the upcoming steelhead season. I am working on the next posts which will address the steelhead.
Or just go to Iowa for year-round trouty excitement…
For more on Iowa trout regulations http://www.iowadnr.gov/fish/regulations/trout.html
Iowa is always good. And…hardly anyone on the streams. A win-win if you ask me!
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