I noticed the first of the Wild Parsnips in bloom yesterday. Contact with this plant can cause severe irritation, blistering, weeping and sloughing of the skin. The combination of contacting this plant and sunlight can be extremely unpleasant for anglers. The reaction is caused by the sun and is called photo-dermatitis. I always wear long sleeve shirts whenever I am out on the streams and this plant is only one of the reasons why. The above photo shows the Wild Parsnip in the foreground and a member of the Genus Angelica (same family)in the background. The Wild Parsnip has yellow flowers on a flattened umbel flower head. The Cow Parsnip will be white, with a similar flower head configuration.LEARN TO RECOGNIZE THIS PLANT WITH THE YELLOW FLOWERS AND DO YOUR BEST TO STAY CLEAR OF IT. Here is a great link from fellow guide Rob Kolakowski to identify this plant more clearly. http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/41009.html
The rain has come again but the streams are in fine shape. a little off color but fishable for sure. My friend Francis the fox was still at the bridge crossing this week when I showed up.
2 users commented in " Anglers Beware! "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackI can tell you from first hand…actually “arm” experience that Wild Parsnip is bad stuff and something you should really be aware of. My skin literally bubbled like 3rd degree blisters then got very painful then the skin started coming off. It took quite a while to recover so heed this warning with great seriousness.
I too have suffered the wrath of the wild Parsnip. the worst part is that you don’t even know you have anything on you until you get home. yeah, huge blisters, nasty stuff that weed. I would rather eat a poison ivy salad than get into that stuff again.
And Andy, that fox is so awesome. what a treat for you.
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