Numerous reports have confirmed the variability of the water conditions. At this time of year it is almost impossible to predict what the water will look like from hour to hour. In Pierce Co. most of the snow on the uplands has disappeared. but the North facing slopes still have a fair amount left to melt. Fishing has been deemed quite good in the vast majority of the reports. Stone-flies in sizes #8-18 have been spotted on a handful of different rivers. The fish still can locate your fly in off colored water if you get it close enough to them, so don’t just give up if the water is a little dirty. The key is knowing when to quit. sign for me is when it become unsafe to wade in waters I would normally consider placid. For the most part the variability should only last a short while and the fishing will get better and better. The Southwest of Wis. has had much more moisture and water is running high and off color throughout many watersheds. Call Matt at the Driftless Angler 608-637-8779 or for current conditions.