Here’s what I know. The streams in the Southeast went through the same runoff event that the streams in Wisconsin did on Sunday the 6th of March. The streams have now cleared and fishing should be good until another runoff episode. Snow this Thursday of 6 inches or more and another warm up could cause some problems. As many of you know I live in Wisconsin and fish those waters often during the season. I do not fish the waters of Southeast Minnesota near as often from March through September so I have relied on your helpful e-mail reports and reports through the store as long as they are within a day or two of reporting. I donot like to post old information it does not help anyone. Once again I will rely on those of you who actively fish the Southeast to give me reports. I do have sources to find out water clarity and general stream conditions but that information does not always come from fly anglers. In an effort to keep all readers happy please give me a report every once in a while. I will certianly add my own twist to those reports but it will make it a more informative section for those who read these pages. Thanks in advance!
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