Beautiful sunny days continue to be the rule. This weather is only one of a dozen factors seeming to affect our hatches in a less than positive manner. Rumblings of Sulfurs and Hendricksons( PMD’s) on the major rivers is continuing, but no real conformation on either of these mayflies has surfaced. Nymph my friends! This seems to be the only success method of fishing our rivers in recent times. I know some of you are taking some nice fish on dries, but your either not telling anybody where, or it has been sporadic. Many folks have been asking the same question ” Where are the bugs” so your not the only one. Partridge and Orange soft hackle is one to try if you haven’t yet. Best tip: Keep changing patterns, I changed 8 times in an hour yesterday until I found something that worked yesterday! Watch the Web site something big is about to happen.( It will probably take a couple of weeks).
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