Sunny and calm on the dog walk today. Our snow totals were probably half of what fell in the Cities. Much of that precip went away yesterday. There is still snow on the ground though! I will be taking a drive about this morning if I get my b.. in gear. I need to get to the Post Office before 10 am. My gut tells me that conditions will be variable, with the further east you go in Pierce County the better the water conditions. The upper watersheds will be better than the lower. Small streams will probably be OK. Mind you this could all change in an instant. It has,,,,,,for the last month. Stay tuned. Waters have been holding more flow(running at higher CFS) without being dirty this year.
Hatches besides the winter stones and midges have not been reported to me. I have not seen any other flying insects over the water. The midges have been thicker than normal IMO. The fish are not always up on them though. A large, short lived #16 BWO is next to come but I tend to stumble on this one rather than see it on a year to year basis. That should show right now. Hatches may be compressed and short lived for the early portion of the season.
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Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackFortunately, southeast Minnesota was spared the last go winter wonderland part nine from Mother Nature, so our creeks are running clear to off but fishable. An interesting side note is that several creeks I was on today have actually changed course since Good Friday. Runs and deeper tail outs that were once go to spots have been replaced by clean limestone rock bottom and six inches of water. Areas that once predictably held fish are nothing more than flat rocked areas with little to no holding water, and areas that were marginal at best now have new pool structures. I saw a few Blue Quills, probably similar to the beefed up #16 BWO you referenced and a grand total of two Dark Hendrickson dries that sailboated down the river.
Stay classy, Goat
BWO hatch this afternoon (Sat. 4/20) Andy on the lower Kinni. #18 compradun BWO generously provided by friendly experienced tier and angler (THANKS!) did the trick! Steady nymphing action as well.
Hi Andy,
Yesterday, the upper Kinni looked good, but went over to the Rush to fish. I should have stayed on the upper Kinni. The Rush was high, muddy, and cold. Water temp was 38. Had a great time fishing Lost Creek though. It was low, clear, and 46 degrees. Had a great BWO hatch around midday.
we too saw some bwo’s, and rising fish, on the lower K Sunday afternoon.
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